There is an interesting historical legend associated with Tsarski Peak located not far from the village. According to it, in 335 BC there was a battle between the army of the Macedonian king Alexander III the Great and a local Thracian ruler. It took place during the Macedonian king's campaign against the Tribals - a thracian tribe in Mysia. It is assumed that Borushtitsa was founded in 1323, during the reign of King Mihail Shishman. Towards the end of the 14th century it was settled by refugees from Borui (Stara Zagora) who fled after the conquest of the town by the Turks in 1371. Probably the origin of the name of the village is related to this event (from Borui). Other assumptions about the origin of the name are from the tree "pine", because once there were large pine forests around the village. Today there are no pine trees in the Balkan Mountains, but excavations in the region and written sources show that there were such forests in the past. During the Ottoman occupation, besides the Bulgarian name, a Turkish name of the village was also used - Bürek dire.
The village of Borushtitsa is located in a mountainous area - on the southern slope of the Balkan Mountains, 50 km north of Stara Zagora and 40 km west of Kazanlak. The altitude of the railway station is 720 metres. The local population works mainly in the BDZ structures. The railway line Dubovo - Tsareva Livada - Gorna Oryahovitsa passes through the village. The two neighboring villages are Raduntsi (known for its sanatorium for tuberculosis diseases) and Krastets. Krastets is located on the ridge of the Balkan Mountains and the hiking route Kom - Emine passes through it. The forests in the area are both deciduous and mixed (deciduous and coniferous). Beech and hornbeam predominate. Almost all herbs typical of the Bulgarian mountains are found, as well as many berries and mushrooms. Worm hole cave is located 3 km south of the village.
Reports on flora and fauna by ecological expert Andrei Ralev:
Borushtitsa (village), Stara Zagora, BG
14.06.2021 06:00 - 11:00
Protocol: Traveling
8.0 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: West and NW to the boundary of
Park and
back along the road
42 species
Гривяк (Columba palumbus) 5
Обикновена кукувица (Cuculus canorus) 1
Ливаден дърдавец (Crex crex) 1
Обикновен осояд (Pernis apivorus) 1
Обикновен мишелов (Buteo buteo) 2
Горска улулица (Strix aluco) 1 През деня се обади
Голям пъстър кълвач (Dendrocopos major) 3
Малък пъстър кълвач (Dryobates minor) 2
Сив кълвач (Picus canus) 2 В селото и по
реката нагоре в края на землището
Зелен кълвач (Picus viridis) 1
Черен кълвач (Dryocopus martius) 1
Червеногърба сврачка (Lanius collurio) 5
Сойка (Garrulus glandarius) 2
Черен синигер (Periparus ater) 3
Лъскавоглав синигер (Poecile palustris) 1
Син синигер (Cyanistes caeruleus) 6
Голям синигер (Parus major) 8
Селска лястовица (Hirundo rustica) X
Червенокръста лястовица (Cecropis daurica) X
Буков певец (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) 1 По пътя южно от селото пее
Елов певец (Phylloscopus collybita) 10
Дългоопашат синигер (Aegithalos caudatus) 2
Голямо черноглаво коприварче (Sylvia atricapilla) X
Малко белогушо коприварче (Sylvia curruca) 2
Голямо белогушо коприварче (Sylvia communis) 5
Жълтоглаво кралче (Regulus regulus) 2
Червеноглаво кралче (Regulus ignicapilla) 3
Горска зидарка (Sitta europaea) 4
Горска дърволазка (Certhia familiaris) 2
Орехче (Troglodytes troglodytes) 5
Поен дрозд (Turdus philomelos) 3
Кос (Turdus merula) X
Червеногръдка (Erithacus rubecula) 6
Южен славей (Luscinia megarhynchos) 3
Домашна червеноопашка (Phoenicurus ochruros) 2
Домашно врабче (Passer domesticus) 2
Планинска стърчиопашка (Motacilla cinerea) 3
Бяла стърчиопашка (Motacilla alba) 2
Обикновена чинка (Fringilla coelebs) 4
Зеленика (Chloris chloris) 2
Сива овесарка (Emberiza calandra) 8
Жълта овесарка (Emberiza citrinella) 6
Borushtitsa (village), Stara Zagora, BG
14.06.2021 06:00 - 11:00
Protocol: Traveling
8.0 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: West and NW to the boundary of Park and
back along the road
42 species
Гривяк (Columba palumbus) 8
Обикновена кукувица (Cuculus canorus) 2
Черен бързолет (Apus apus) 1
Черен щъркел (Ciconia nigra) 1
ad, in the middle of the village
Сива чапла (Ardea cinerea) 1 nigth migration
Обикновен мишелов (Buteo buteo) 3
Белогърб кълвач (Dendrocopos leucotos) 2
Голям пъстър кълвач (Dendrocopos major) 7
Малък пъстър кълвач (Dryobates minor) 1
Зелен кълвач (Picus viridis) 1
Черен кълвач (Dryocopus martius) 2
Червеногърба сврачка (Lanius collurio) 6
Сойка (Garrulus glandarius) 2
Черен синигер (Periparus ater) 4
Син синигер (Cyanistes caeruleus) 8
Голям синигер (Parus major) 12
Скална лястовица (Ptyonoprogne rupestris) 2
Селска лястовица (Hirundo rustica) 10
Червенокръста лястовица (Cecropis daurica) 8
Градска лястовица (Delichon urbicum) 4
Елов певец (Phylloscopus collybita) 22
Дългоопашат синигер (Aegithalos caudatus) 2
Голямо черноглаво коприварче (Sylvia atricapilla) 2
Малко белогушо коприварче (Sylvia curruca) 2
Голямо белогушо коприварче (Sylvia communis) 8
Жълтоглаво кралче (Regulus regulus) 3 800-900 m
Червеноглаво кралче (Regulus ignicapilla) 7
including train station
Горска зидарка (Sitta europaea) 4
Горска дърволазка (Certhia familiaris) 6
Орехче (Troglodytes troglodytes) 6
Воден кос (Cinclus cinclus) 1 river in the village
Поен дрозд (Turdus philomelos) 4
Кос (Turdus merula) 10
Червеногръдка (Erithacus rubecula) 5
Южен славей (Luscinia megarhynchos) 1
Полубеловрата мухоловка (Ficedula semitorquata)
5 3 pairs: 1+2+2
Домашна червеноопашка (Phoenicurus ochruros) 2
Полско врабче (Passer montanus) 2
Планинска стърчиопашка (Motacilla cinerea) 2
Бяла стърчиопашка (Motacilla alba) 4
Обикновена чинка (Fringilla coelebs) 10
Сива овесарка (Emberiza calandra) 6
Жълта овесарка (Emberiza citrinella) 10
Memories and stories from local residents of the Borushtitsa village.
The Beginning - Labor - 1939 His Majesty Labor gives birth to all the goods of mankind and not only them. How I met, got to know, and how we interacted with it. I remember that our first meeting happened too early and it was rather risky and comical. It happened in the spring of 1939. My uncle Ivan, the youngest of my Dad's four brothers, after whom I was named (he also had a twin-sister named Ivanka) sent me to the village fountain about 30 yards from our yard...
downloadIn recent years, there has been a strong and undisguised morbidity among students. But the conjuncture is also sick. There is no visibility of what is times more pandemic than the past wave of the other disease. Children are more than sick, they are already chronified as future sick. Forever. Cognitive abilities are forged in childhood and this is irreversible, and the responsibility for this ability lies with lung health and function...
Schedule of the cultural activities of "Vasil Levski-1942" People's Community Library, Borushtitsa village.
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